Tuesday, April 8, 2008

"I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you?"

There were these guys I used to hang out with in high school and college. They were rough and rowdy and hilarious and completely inappropriate. These boys were gentle giants with foul mouths and no sense of style. They held keg parties in fields, played practical jokes constantly, made bongs out of two liter soda bottles, drank truly terrible beer by the truckloads, and lit their farts on fire.

And I loved them.

Today's blog reminds me of those boys of my youth. Bagwine Ruminations is a big, goofy, dirty kid with terrible design sense and a completely inappropriate sense of humor. And, like those guys I mention above, I just can't help but like him.

The blog is ugly. There's this huge honking banner at the top that I can barely read. There are two sidebars full of clutter and trash. He should most definitely switch to two columns and get rid of the excess mess. The bolded maroon (and black, and blue, and green) text makes my teeth itch, and I hate the ads. Include an "about page" and add years to your archives (No, I can't just count back. Sorry.). You might consider adding a category drop down, too.

Here is proof that I can be loosey-goosey (kinda) when it comes to grammar, spelling, and punctuation, because Matt-Man is a frequent mistake-maker but I still like his writing. How can I not like a guy who mentions the dance genius of Kevin Bacon (Although I think he actually had a stand-in for that movie, didn't he? Never mind. I like to suspend my disbelief about Ren.)? He's completely inappropriate. I'm embarrassed that I laughed. A lot. Like, a lot. There might be a pee stain.

I like Matt. He's goofy, he's not afraid to make fun of himself, he talks about sex a lot, he loves his kid, he drinks, he swears, he doesn't take life too seriously, and I like his politics. I'd sit down and have a beer or twelve with him and in a matter of minutes suffer the agony of perma-grin. I'm pretty sure I'd say things like, "Stop! Stop, dammit! Oh, God. My cheeks hurt from laaauuughing! Fuck... I gotta go pee."

So, it's a pretty bad blog design, and the writing isn't terribly accomplished, but goddammit he makes me laugh, and I needed that very, very much today.