Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The male of the species

Here's where I admit a personal bias: I don't read a lot of blogs by men. Time was I had almost nothing but male friends, and I couldn't relate to women at all, catty, competitive, mercurial creatures that we are. But times change, and I changed, and eventually I forgot about most men in favor of one man with his magic hands and silly laugh and grumpiness. I kind of forgot you all existed outside of eye candy and literature. Then Jubblies and Booty came along and I realized I'd been missing out.

When I landed on People in the Sun, I thought, "Great. A dude. I'm so not going to get him." But I'm a total idiot because I started reading and I couldn't stop. I turned around and went right back to the beginning and read pretty much every post. Because this guy is, above all things, interesting. The writing is evocative and thoughtful and some of it is pretty gorgeous. He says things like, "My grandfather had this big white beard that made words disappear" and "I want Jon Stewart to try to understand my world view in five minutes."And he's funny. Really funny.

I did find myself skimming the political bits (even though I mostly agree with him), which disappoints me. Once upon a time I'd have dug right in. Is this what apathy looks like?

He owns the cutest damn dogs (aside from my own four mutts). And he lives in Baltimore, a strange little microcosm of bizarre dialects and eclectic weirdness that I know all too well. Man, is there a lot to blog about in Baltimore, or what?

As for the design, roll up archives, please. The template makes my eyes hurt what with all the overlapping text. I could go for some black or dark type on a light background. And there's that odd switch in text size Blogger seems to do willy-nilly. Maybe include the graphic of "People in the Sun" toward the top since that's, you know, the blog title. Right now it's hanging out down there at the bottom being all reclusive and shy and purposeless. The tag cloud bugs me for no good reason. Can't you just give us categories and roll those up? And I'm partial to an "About Me" page. Otherwise, at least there are no blinkies or blings.

I get that you're a new dad and there's lots going on and you're not going to load us up with filler in your blog. I respect that. Hell, I applaud it. But I still want more. If you posted more than once a week (and if you tarted up your design a bit) I'd fucking love you. As it is